Monday, September 10, 2012

a day in photos. #1

01. On Thursday my friend, Winnie got together yesterday but because her classes ended early this week we had about two hours to kill before the place we wanted to eat were open. So, we went to David's Tea and went a tad crazy on all the different types of tea out there. There was so much to choose from... mmm and I am persuaded by good customer service. 
02. After about an hour of mming and ahing over tea we relaxed for about an hour there and got some well-deserved sushi. onomnom (:
03. We walked over to go get her piercing and on the whim I decided i needed a helix to add to my piercing/tattoo collection! Well worth 35$ if i do say so myself
04. We went back to my place to work on some blog stuff with Winster and found a package waiting me! My three simple bands I’ve been waiting for, for almost a month now!  love love love
That about sums it up. 
Hope you all had a swell day as well.


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