Sunday, September 16, 2012

recap. 09.16.12.

01. I started a new job this past week. I'm not the greatest when it comes to change and all that but I’ve realized that I need to embrace change and just go with it! I saw this quote the other day, "Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” ― Neale Donald Walsch and it really changed my outlook on my nerves. Change is pretty uncomfortable, yet. Worth it. I want to get a tattoo in the next little while that says, 'I want adventure... I want uncharted.' I feel before I get this tattoo I really need to embrace that lifestyle. Embrace all that comes my way. 

02. I’m getting totally sidetracked now. I started a new job at a beauty spa type place. So swanky and yet it has a great modern vibe to it. I totally love the staff there and the job itself. That being said I’ve been working since Thursday and won't get a day off till Wednesday. My feet are killing but my pockets will be happy come payday! 

03. I've got some lovely things plan for my couple days off which will all unfold sooner or later.

I hope everyone had a great week.


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