Saturday, September 1, 2012

infinite love.

     My most recent Tattoo. I realized the last couple years have been a whirlwind of various emotions - fear, overcoming obstacles – the odds and turn of events that I thought I would not have been able to conquer. But alas, here I am. Though these couple years have been difficult, I believe I’ve grown the most this past half a year. One of them would be getting over a break up - showing myself I can be independent and not rely so much on others and the recognition that I can do anything that I place my mind to. It feels pretty great.
Super empowering. I’ve grown stronger.

     I know myself better than I ever have been. And one things for sure, I will not change myself for anyone. My giving nature is who I am, and all those endless quirks that make me, me. The one thing I’ve learned this year is love yourself before you love anyone else. Who will love you or respect you if you bend at the will of others. Stand up for yourself because honestly, who else will. Love the people that appreciate you for who you are and not the person they believe you are. Love what you’re doing: whether it be the education you’re receiving, the career you’re working towards or the hobby you may have at the moment. Give it your all. Be determined. And be passionate. So what ever you’re doing or who you’re doing it with. Infinite Love.  


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